DNA Testing

DNA Testing

DNA Health

DNA HealthDNA Health optimises health and wellness through gene-based personalised nutrition. It tests 23 genes involved in 7 key biological processes. The results provide individual recommendations that include: a gene-based healthy eating plan, dietary goals for relevant vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and foods, and requirements for nutritional supplementation, where required.

The genes we carry significantly affect our health and susceptibility to various chronic diseases. Nutritional genomics, otherwise known as personalised nutrition, explores the relationship between your diet and your genes. These interactions have far-reaching potential in preventing diet-related disease.

DNA Health tests for variations in genes that play crucial roles in a number of metabolic processes which are all key factors in the onset of chronic disease. Many diseases are preventable through the correct diet and lifestyle choices. DNA Health is designed to help you make the best diet and lifestyle choices based on your unique DNA.

Lipid Metabolism

– Nutrition, especially the metabolism of dietary fat, is important in preventing cardiovascular disease. By identifying the way the fat in your diet interacts with your genes, you can change your dietary intake to achieve optimum heart health.

Vitamin B metabolism

– B vitamins, especially folate, play an essential role in energy metabolism, building and repairing DNA, and in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neural tube defects. Variations in your genes can alter how efficiently your body uses these vitamins, potentially increasing your daily requirements.


– Identifies gene variations affecting enzyme functions in phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification.

Oxidative stress

– Antioxidants are the body’s defence against free radicals. Free radicals are a normal by-product of the body’s energy processes. However, these molecules can damage DNA and proteins in the body and have been linked to various chronic diseases. Anti-oxidants are found naturally in the body in the form of enzymes, but can also be consumed in a wide variety of foods.

Bone health

– Our bodies break down and rebuild bone constantly. Our genes, diet and lifestyle (including exercise, stress, smoking, and alcohol consumption) are all important factors in these processes. By identifying how your genes affect your body’s calcium and Vitamin D metabolism, you can change your diet and lifestyle to keep your bones strong.


– Inflammation is the way our bodies respond to injury, infection, or allergies. The inflammation process is controlled by genes, switching them on and off as needed. But sometimes a genetic variation causes a gene to stay switched on for longer than required. Low-grade inflammation over a long period has been linked to cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes. Certain nutrients can help “switch off” these genes.

Insulin sensitivity

– Under normal conditions, food is absorbed into the bloodstream in the form of sugars such as glucose. The hormone insulin is then released to enable glucose to move from the bloodstream into the cells to be stored or used for energy. Where insulin resistance is concerned, the body’s cells do not respond as effectively to insulin. According to researchers, insulin resistance may play an important role in many health conditions such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Price £199.00 plus £85 consultant fee to chat about the results (if required)

New - Add a full months tailored diet sheet with exciting and delicious recipes, ingredients list and full macro and micro-nutrients if desired for just £150 extra. This will be tailored specifically to your gene results.

DNA Diet

DNA DietDNA diet is one of the first products of its kind in the world, DNA Diet tests for 13 genes that impact metabolism and exercise. The genes comprising the DNA Diet test have associations with body weight and body mass index, and all meet stringent criteria for utility in genetic screening tests. We provide a detailed report with recommendations that include dietary changes and an exercise programme.

Genes involved in regulation of energy expenditure, appetite, and fat metabolism, all play an important role in weight regulation. In fact 40% to 80% of the variance in body weight is due to genetic factors. This helps to explain why not everyone becomes obese even though people may be exposed to similar environments. Genetics thus determines an individual’s susceptibility to obesity when exposed to an unfavourable environment. It also explores the way a person responds to diet and exercise.

The DNA Diet test panel is designed to assist health practitioners in effectively managing body weight, by guiding the development of diet and exercise programs based on genetic differences in nutrient metabolism and body fat regulation. While healthy nutrition may in certain cases result in weight loss, it depends on many factors. The DNA diet provides a tailor-made nutrition and exercise programme.

All genes meet the following stringent criteria for utility in genetic screening tests:

Have proven biological function. Many of the genetic variations in the test panel produce a change in the amino acid structure of the protein and change the activity of the protein. Other variations in the panel affect transcription factors in DNA-based communications. Have a plausible biological role in weight management. For example, some of the gene variations produce a change in the amount of fat absorbed from a meal or alter carbohydrate metabolism.

Have evidence from clinical studies, that individuals with different genotypes have a differential response to either certain diets or different levels of physical activity.

Price £156.00 plus £85 consultant fee to chat about the results (if required).

New - Add a full months tailored diet sheet with exciting and delicious recipes, ingredients list and full macro and micro-nutrients if desired for just £150 extra. This will be tailored specifically to your gene results.

DNA Sport

DNA SportDNA Sport provides insight to the potential for sporting performance and trainability, optimal exercise selection, recovery strategies, injury potential, and exercise for weight management.

The test is suitable for the elite performance athlete as well as the recreational athlete looking to maximise his or her training results and reach peak levels of conditioning.

The profile tests for genes in three categories that relate to sporting performance:
  • 1) Power and Endurance
  • 2) Tendon Pathology
  • 3) Recovery

Genes have now been coded and studied that can tell an athlete or their coach whether they should be training towards a power or an endurance sport, how quickly they are likely to recover from training sessions, and their genetic susceptibility for tendon and other soft tissue injuries. DNA Sport utilises these genes and the information they contain to offer a quantitative assessment of the athletes’ physiological disposition towards certain activities.

The Power and Endurance section tests genes that code for physiological factors such as circulation, blood pressure control, strength, cardio-pulmonary capacity, mitochondrial synthesis, muscle fibre type specialisation, muscle fibre hypertrophy, cardiac output, muscle metabolism and adaptability to training regimes.

The Tendon Pathology section examines genes that are involved in the structural integrity of soft tissues in the body. Certain polymorphisms implicate predisposition to tendon injuries (including Achilles Tendonitis), plus ligament, cartilage and bone pathology.

The Recovery genes are the best example within this genetic panel of the need to integrate training and nutritional advice when supporting an athlete’s health and fitness. The featured genes consider disposition to inflammation and free radical stress within the body, which may imply the need for more focused nutritional support, along with extended recoveries between training repetitions and sessions.

Price £156.00 plus £85 consultant fee to chat about the results (if required).

New - Add a full months tailored diet sheet with exciting and delicious recipes, ingredients list and full macro and micro-nutrients if desired for just £150 extra. This will be tailored specifically to your gene results.

Please note the turnaround time for these tests are usually 21 days.
A large cotton type bud will be sent direct to you where a swab of the mouth is taken and posted back to DNAlife.
I will receive the results and interpret them. It's that simple!