Alzheimer’s & prevention

Alzheimer’s & prevention

What is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s and prevention

What is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s is a form of senile dementia which are a group of symptoms rather than a disease. Currently, there are 850,000 people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in the UK and it is classed as the number one killer, taking over from cancer. Alzheimer’s disease is caused by protein structures or plaques of beta-amyloids forming in the brain. The protein builds up in the spaces between the brain cells, preventing cell to cell communication and eventually killing off brain cells, causing dementia symptoms. It is a devastating disease for the person and loved ones around included, as the forgetfulness and mild confusion deepens and becomes extremely confused, with aggressive behaviour over time. They are eventually unable to care for themselves.

What causes Alzheimer’s disease?

One metal that has been consistently found to be built up in the brain for Alzheimer sufferers is aluminium. Aluminium decreases the metabolism of protein by the brain cells, which means that there is going to be more protein around the brain cells, potentially leading to accumulation and plaques. Another cause for Alzheimer’s disease could be insulin resistance and diabetes. In fact, Alzheimer’s disease is often named diabetes type 3. Insulin supports brain activity by supporting healthy
Glucose metabolism needed for the neurons in the brain, as well as regulating the neurotransmitters needed for memory and learning. Another suspected cause is inflammation which goes hand-in-hand with insulin resistance as blood sugar spikes are inflammatory. Food additives are also to blame, especially something called Diacetyl (DA). This is found in many foods to give a buttery flavour such as butter popcorn, confectionery and in some wines, beer, milk products, margarine and chips.

How can I prevent it?

Prevention is definitely better than cure, as they still haven’t found a cure yet, or anything that halts the disease. To decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, you should:
- Consume a healthy diet full of whole foods.
- Processed foods, refined sugar’s and trans fats should be removed from the diet.
- Exercise is important for keeping your body sensitive to insulin.
- Decrease your exposure to aluminium. Ditch aluminium cooking pots, tinfoil, drink cans and always use a water filter, because it is in the water. Switch cooking pans and pots to glass, ceramic and stainless steel.
- Organic food is a preference due to the higher nutrient content and fewer pesticides as many pesticides contain aluminium and other toxic metals.
- Add curcumin daily as this can decrease the presence of amyloid plaques in the brain by half. This is essential if your loved one has onset Alzheimer’s.
- Adding 2 teaspoons of coconut oil a day is beneficial due to the medium-chain fatty acid’s which are needed for the health of brain cells. This is also essential if your loved one has onset Alzheimer’s.
- Toxaprevent is a safe product that will remove aluminium and other heavy metals from the body. If you suspect high metal exposure, it is best to have a heavy metal laboratory test, so you can compare your levels before and after a few months of taking Toxaprevent. Toxaprevent moves through the digestive track, binding to toxins before carrying them out of the body. It is completely safe and takes the pressure off the liver by removing toxins, including food additives such as DA. If anyone in your family has suffered with Senile dementia, I highly recommend you take this product on a regular basis. You can find it here using CH010 for your 10% off.

Please ensure that you check with a registered nutritional therapist or drop me an email if you are on any other medication before taking this product.