Asparagus health properties

Asparagus health properties

Asparagus not only tastes delicious......

Asparagus health properties


Asparagus not only tastes delicious, but is also a wonderful source of nutrients for a healthy body and mind. They may help to combat arthritis, asthma, and autoimmune diseases.


Glutathione, found in asparagus, contains three amino acids (glumatic acid, glycine and cysteine) that combine into one molecule that reduces oxidation in our bodies. Along with the antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin A (beta-carotene), zinc, manganese and selenium, the glutathione in asparagus scavenges free radicals that cause ageing.

This herbaceous plants, along with avocado, kale and Brussels sprouts, is a particularly rich source of Glutathione, a detoxifying compound that helps break down carcinogens and other harmful compounds like free radicals. With its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, asparagus is a robust fighter against bladder, breast, colon, lung, prostate, ovarian and other cancers.

Fights Cognitive decline

Asparagus is rich in folate, which works with vitamin B12, found in fish, poultry, meat and dairy, to help prevent cognitive impairment. Mental flexibility tests have proven that individuals with healthy levels of folate and B12 produced a much higher response and outcome. If you're 50+ be sure you're getting enough B12 (Your ability to absorb it decreases with age).

Heart Health

Folate, a B complex vitamin, is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system and is found in abundance in asparagus (one cup contains 66% of the RDA of folate). Folate regulates the amino acid homocysteine, which in high levels can be a strong risk factor in heart disease.
Birth Defects

Folate is also essential for proper cellular division. Healthy servings of asparagus can prevent a folate-deficiency, which has been linked to birth defects such as spina bifida (a congenital defect in which the spinal cord is exposed through a gap in the backbone).


The amino acid asparagine, found in asparagus, is an effective diuretic and has been historically used to treat swelling, arthritis, rheumatism, and PMS-related water retention.

Diet and Digestion

Inulin, a carbohydrate in asparagus, encourages the growth of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, two bacteria that boost nutrient absorption, lower the risk of allergy and colon cancer, and help prevent unfriendly bacteria from taking hold in our intestinal tract. Furthermore, one cup of asparagus contains over 11% of the RDA of dietary fiber and almost 10% of the RDA of protein. The healthy fiber and protein content of asparagus stabilizes our digestion, curbs overeating, maintains a low blood sugar and prevents constipation.

It also contains vitamin K and vitamin C. Vitamin K prevents calcium build-up in our tissue that can lead to atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Vitamin C, as well as being a great antioxidant, can lower blood pressure, produces a healthy immune system, and is resistance to age-related ocular diseases, such as cataracts and macular degeneration.