Healthy mind, Healthy body

Healthy mind, Healthy body

Isnt it fantastic how the flowers can bloom when you get rid of the weeds...

Healthy mind, Healthy body

’’Every problem has in it the seeds of its own
solution. If you don’t have any problems, you
don’t get any seeds.’’ - Norman Vincent Peale ..

Isn’t it fantastic how the flowers can bloom when you get rid of the weeds, such as horrible comments that you have stored in your mind for years. It leaves room for healthy thoughts to germinate and blossom just like beautiful flowers.

It means that you can notice when a weed creeps back in to your mind, and yank it out fast. Remembering always 'Healthy mind healthy body'.

Think of every tip you learn, every inspiring story you hear, every small change you
make are the new little seeds you are planting every day and they will bloom into a beautiful healthy life.

Add water and some sunshine whenever you can.